

Research «Passport of youth of the city of Astana», 2013

The passport of the youth of the city of Astana for 2013 was developed by the Scientific Research Centre «Youth» by order of the S...
19.02.2013 2620

Monograph «Socio-cultural adaptation of urban youth», 2013

The collective monograph examines the issues of socio-cultural adaptation of modern urban youth. The analysis of problems and the ...
19.02.2013 2578

Analytical report «Youth resource centers: problems and development prospects», 2013

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study on the topic «Youth Resource Centres: Problems and Prospects f...
19.02.2013 2542

Analytical report «Problems and prospects of development of youth public organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan», 2013

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study on the topic «Problems and prospects for the development of yo...
19.02.2013 2580