

Analytical report «Study of the socio-political situation in the youth environment», 4th quarter of 2016

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the socio-political situation among the youth of the Republ...
19.02.2016 2543

Analytical report «Study of the socio-political situation in the youth environment», 3rd quarter of 2016

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the socio-political situation among the youth of the Republ...
19.02.2016 2534

Analytical report «Study of the socio-political situation in the youth environment», 2nd quarter of 2016

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the socio-political situation among the youth of the Republ...
19.02.2016 2511

Analytical report «Study of Kazakhstani values in the sphere of spiritual and moral education of youth», 2016

The relevance of the undertaken sociological research lies in the fact that the value world of modern Kazakhstani youth is ambiguo...
19.02.2016 2545

Analytical report «State of the national youth policy: needs and social practices», 2016

This report is based on the results of the sociological research «State of the national youth policy: needs and social practices»,...
19.02.2016 2505

Analytical report «Study of youth subcultures, labour and socio-economic adaptation, as well as forecasting the professions of the future», 2016

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the socio-economic and labour adaptation of a certain categ...
19.02.2016 2536

Analytical report «Youth involvement in socially useful activities», 2016

This report is based on the results of a sociological study on the theme «Youth involvement in socially useful activities», commis...
19.02.2016 2553

Analytical report «Assessment of the impact of products, goods on the psychological health and development of children», 2016

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the impact of children's products on the psychological heal...
19.02.2016 2519