

Report «Neither to the countryside, nor to the city: the problem of informal employment of youth in monotowns of Kazakhstan», 2017

Informal employment is a labour activity that is not regulated in part or in full by the laws existing in the country and involves...
19.02.2017 2793

Analytical report «Studying the readiness of youth for labour and educational migration», 2017

This report is based on the results of the sociological research «Study of the readiness of youth for labour and educational migra...
19.02.2017 4122

Analytical report «Social adaptation of young families in Kazakhstan», 2017

This report is based on the results of a sociological study on «Social adaptation of young families in Kazakhstan», commissioned b...
19.02.2017 3161

Analytical report «State of the national youth policy: needs and social practices», 2017

This report is based on the results of the sociological research «State of the national youth policy: needs and social practices»,...
19.02.2017 3012

Analytical report «Study of the socio-political situation in the youth environment (first half of the year)», 2017

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the socio-political situation among the youth of the Republ...
19.02.2017 2516

Analytical report «Study of Kazakhstani values in the field of spiritual and moral education of youth», 2017

This report contains the results of an empirical sociological study of the values and value orientations of Kazakhstani youth. The...
19.02.2017 2627