Methodological materials
Methodological material «Methodological recommendations for the YRC on conducting advisory work on the dangers of gaming and gambling addiction (ludomania)», 2023

Methodological material «Methodological recommendations for the YRC on conducting advisory work on the dangers of gaming and gambling addiction (ludomania)», 2023

Методический материал «Методические рекомендации для МРЦ по проведению консультативной работы об опасности игромании (лудомании)», 2023

The Scientific Research Center «Youth» has prepared methodological recommendations for conducting advisory work on the dangers of gaming and gambling addiction. The purpose of these recommendations is to provide general up-to-date information on the current situation in the country, as well as generally accepted preventive measures. Methodological recommendations are aimed at providing information support for the activities of Youth resource centers in the implementation of state youth policy.

28.12.2023 312

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