Analytical report «Social attitudes of NEET youth in Kazakhstan», 2022

Analytical report «Social attitudes of NEET youth in Kazakhstan», 2022

Аналитический доклад «Социальные установки молодежи NEET в Казахстане», 2022

The analytical report is based on the results of the sociological study "Social attitudes of NEET youth in Kazakhstan", commissioned by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The information base consisted of the results of mass and expert surveys, as well as in-depth interviews with representatives of NEET youth, aimed at studying the level of interaction with public institutions and participation in state youth programs of youth belonging to the NEET category.

It is recommended for government agencies and organizations in the field of youth policy, education and employment, non-governmental organizations, the general public, experts in the field of youth policy and education, researchers, specialists working on this topic and all interested parties.

22.02.2023 3068

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