Report «International experience in the development and implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth policy», 2020

Report «International experience in the development and implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth policy», 2020

Доклад «Международный опыт по разработке и реализации стратегических документов в сфере молодежной политики», 2020

The report «International experience in the development and implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth policy» was prepared by order of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Youth policy is one of the key directions of development of any state. Analytical comprehension of practical approaches to the implementation of youth policy at the international and national levels is especially important for predicting and regulating social processes in the youth environment. For this purpose, the report «International experience in the development and implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth policy» was prepared. It is a systematic analysis of various programs and projects to support young people in the most important spheres of their life. The report was prepared on the basis of the latest scientific research, analysis of official statistical materials of international organizations, as well as international strategic documents in the field of youth policy. Recommendations and suggestions, as well as analysis of international experience in the implementation of strategic directions and projects in the field of youth policy can be applied and used in the development of state and other programs focused on the youth of Kazakhstan.

19.02.2020 3347

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