Analytical report «Social well-being and urgent problems of rural youth in Kazakhstan», 2019

Analytical report «Social well-being and urgent problems of rural youth in Kazakhstan», 2019

Аналитический доклад «Социальное самочувствие и актуальные проблемы сельской молодежи Казахстана», 2019
As a large socio-demographic group, young people have a number of characteristics. On the one hand, young people are characterized by a high level of mobility, intellectual activity and good health, which distinguishes them favorably from other members of society. On the other hand, the new generation faces many difficulties: it overcomes obstacles associated with socialization, integration into the economic, political and socio-cultural space. It is at this age that a person has to start a family, solve material and housing problems, get an education, and adapt to the realities of an independent life.
19.02.2019 3299

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