Analytical report «Determination of the level of marginalization and involvement in the subcultures of youth in Almaty», 2018

Analytical report «Determination of the level of marginalization and involvement in the subcultures of youth in Almaty», 2018

Аналитический доклад «Определение уровня маргинализации и вовлеченность в субкультуры молодежи г. Алматы», 2018
At all times, young people have been widely involved in social and political processes and found themselves in the orbit of the largest social upheavals and political transformations of the past century. As the most dynamic social group, young people require careful study. The need to diagnose and monitor the processes taking place in the youth environment is primarily due to the fact that young people are a special group of people, the way of thinking and development prospects of which can help predict the dynamics of the development of social, political and cultural processes in the future.
19.02.2018 3719

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