Republican project «Jastarǵa – Jumys»

Republican project «Jastarǵa – Jumys»

Республиканский проект «Jastarǵa – Jumys»

Republican project «Jastarǵa – Jumys»

According to the Model Regulations on Youth Resource Centers approved by order No. 444 of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2019, the YRCs provide assistance in preparing young people for employment and career guidance.

1. The goal of the project is to assist in the preparation for employment and career guidance of young people online in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

2. The main tasks of the project:

2.1. Counseling and informing young people about state programs and projects for youth in the field of employment and on the choice of a profession;

2.2. Development of soft-skills of young people - competent resume writing, communication skills, and methods of effective interviewing;

2.3. Organization and holding of job fairs for youth, development and implementation of youth projects and programs on career guidance, employment.

3. Terms of implementation: from September - throughout the year.

4. Geography of the project: all regional, city and district youth resource centers are involved in the project.

5. Participants: unemployed young people aged 14-28 who do not work, do not study and do not improve their qualifications.

6. Recommended algorithm for conducting online events:

6.1. Creating a group for free vacancies on social networks (Instagram, telegram, Facebook) with the name JastargaJumys indicating the region (for example, Nur-Sultan - JastargaJumys01).

6.2. Collecting information about vacancies in the region and posting weekly (2 times a week) in groups on social networks.

6.3. Conducting monthly online job fairs on popular social networks (Facebook, Instagram, VK, etc.) together with representatives of government agencies and enterprises.

6.4. Conducting monthly live broadcasts (at least 1 time per month) in the social networks of the MRC with the participation of representatives of the Employment Centers and the Atameken Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs on vocational guidance and the development of soft-skills of youth.

6.5. Using a single hashtag on social networks #JastarǵaJumys.

6.6. Monthly analysis and monitoring of youth employment.

17.02.2021 2802

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