According to the Model Regulations on Youth Resource Centres approved by order No. 444 of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2019, the YRC develops and implements educational programs for youth within each of the main areas.
1. The goal of the project is to promote the personal and social development of adolescents and youth through non-formal education within the framework of the main directions of youth resource centers.
2. Terms of implementation: from September 2020 - within a year.
3. Geography of the project: all regional, city and district youth resource centers are involved in the project.
4. Participants: young people aged 14-28, at least 30% of the participants must be from vulnerable categories of the population (NEET-youth, persons with disabilities, orphans and others).
5. Recommended algorithm for online events:
5.1. Organization and conduct of the following online educational programs weekly (at least once a week):
1) Webinars through the webinar platforms MyOwnConference,,, etc. - the duration of each webinar is at least 1.5 hours;
2) Online master classes through live broadcasts on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) - the duration of each master class is at least 1 hour;
3) Online trainings and camps through the platform, etc. - the duration of each event is at least 3 days (2-4 hours a day).
5.2. Educational programs should be conducted on the following topics:
1) Development of vital skills and competencies (civic engagement, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, responsibility, emotion management, etc.);
2) Development of volunteer activities;
3) Increasing digital and media literacy;
4) Development of entrepreneurial competencies in conjunction with the regional chambers of entrepreneurs «Atameken»;
5) Increasing legal literacy with representatives of law enforcement agencies, lawyers and mediators;
6) Project management;
7) Psychological trainings and classes with the participation of psychologists from the ҮRC and invited competent psychologists;
8) Other topics at the request and interests of young people and areas of work of the MRC.
5.3. Educational activities should correspond to the basic principles of non-formal education – an evaluation-free environment, communication at the same level, voluntary and active participation, learning through experience, a holistic (holistic) approach, group orientation and a special environment.
5.4. Educational programmes can be recorded and subsequently uploaded to a separate YouTube channel of the YRC (each YRC may have its own channel).
5.5. When publishing materials on social networks, use a single hashtag #JastarǵaBilim.