According to the Model Regulations on Youth Resource Centres, approved by order No. 444 of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2019, the YRC within each of the main directions informs and advises young people on issues that are relevant and interesting to them.
1. The goal of the project is to promote the personal and social development of adolescents and young people through counseling and informing young people about government programs and projects for young people.
2. Terms of implementation: from September 2020 - within a year.
3. Geography of the project: all regional, city and district youth resource centres are involved in the project.
4. Participants: young people aged 14-28, at least 30% of the participants must be from vulnerable categories of the population (NEET-youth, persons with disabilities, orphans and others).
5. Recommended algorithm for online events:
In connection with the introduction of a state of emergency in the country, the YRC is recommended to switch to online counseling on all issues of interest to young people:
5.1. Collection of frequently asked questions of young people on social networks (Instagram, facebook and others). Preparation of answers to questions of interest and their publication in social networks, Internet resources of the YRC (in the form of «questions – answers»).
5.2. Conducting live broadcasts on social networks on government measures to support youth at least 1 time a week with a preliminary announcement on social networks (Instagram, facebook). The duration of a live broadcast should take no more than 1 hour. Also, a live broadcast can be recorded and uploaded to YouTube on the YRC channel.
5.3. Involvement of experts and / or administrators of state programs and projects («With diploma to village!», «Youth practice», «Zhas otbasy», «Rental housing», «Zhasyl el», «Zhas kаsipker», «Serpin», «Daryn» аnd others) in the form of an online conversation with young people.
5.4. Development and placement of infographics and posters on state programmes and measures to support youth.
5.5. Placement of entertainment content and thematic materials on Internet resources and social networks:
1) What to do during quarantine? 5 things to do while self-isolating:
2) Healthy lifestyle. Video instructions and links to accounts for maintaining a healthy lifestyle at home.
3) Development. Free online courses for learning English / other languages, design and drawing courses, SMM, cooking courses.
4) Reading. List of TOP-100 best books. Participation in the #ReadTogetherHouse challenge # ҮıdeBirgeOіimyz # ÚıdeBirgeOqımyz.
5) Films. List of the best films of Kazakhstan and TOP-20 of the best foreign films.
6) Culture. Map of virtual 3D tours in Kazakhstan, online museums of the world and Kazakhstan, online concerts.
5.6. Communication and consultation must comply with the following CRAP principles:
1) C - Clear: quality information should be focused, clearly stated and supported by clearly identified sources.
2) R - Relevant: the quality of the information received must meet the needs of the one who needs it. If the information is clear, but not meaningful for a particular person, then it may turn out to be useless and sometimes harmful.
3) A - Accurate: clearly stated and appropriate to the needs of a particular person, information must be accurate, current and objective.
4) P - Pitched: the question is, how much information is needed by a particular young person in his position, does it meet his needs and does it correspond to his capabilities?
5.7. When publishing materials on social networks, use a single hashtag #JastarǵaKeńes.